Monday, September 17, 2007

Attempted Murder

Last night around 11:30, as I was waiting for the train home, 2 men started fighting right next to me. They were really going at it when all of the sudden 1 man took the other man's cane, broke it in half over his knee and STABBED THE OTHER GUY IN THE FACE WITH HIS OWN CANE! There was blood everywhere, the victim screamed and ran away. I called the police and within minutes 8 police cars were on the scene. They caught the attacker and unfortunately he got a good look at me as I was being interviewed by the police. I had a lot of nightmares last night. And I think I'm going to go a different route to and from work for a few weeks. Wow. What a crazy world we live in sometimes.


T Pot said...

Wow Jason!
That's really bizarre...
In Florida you can get notices of trail/plea bargain results when you report or witness (or are a victim of) a violent crime. Maybe thay have something similiar in Portland.
As young as you are, you sure have some tales to tell!

jase said...

Good to know Tom, thanks. I'll look into it.

Barbara said...

YIKES! I thought it was a joke at first but there was not punch line. Did the victim come back? Is he OK? That's really scary, I would definately find a different route home. Be careful up there!

Barbara said...

Were you OK the past two days? I still can't believe you witnessed that! Are your nightmares still there?

Denise said...

Wow... how scary. I hope you're doing okay now. I thought it was a joke at first too. Wish it was!