Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We have been watching The War too, and it is so good. We bought a new DVD/recorder and I have been recording it. They should show it in the schools!

For you Floridians, I just saw on the new that because Lake Okochobee (probably spelled wrong) is so low that archeologists are finding artifacts that are hundreds of years old-very interesting.

Jason, I click on test color and pick red, is that what you are talking about?


Barbara said...

They can join the folks out here looking around the town that was flooded when Lake Mead filled up. The town if fully exposed now and you can walk out to it. The marina on the north part of the lake, Overton Beach, is closed due to no water! Yikes! Sure hope it doesn't end up like Lake Sweetwater.

Brother Bob said...

Regarding Lake Okeechobee, I heard they found a fossilized piece of chocolate with an engraving on it that looks like Brother Mike!