I couldn't get to sleep last night so I watched this for a while and after a few minutes I was sleeping like a baby. It's a lot of fun. Enjoy. Oh and if anyone has ever heard and/or likes the band Arcade Fire, check this out.
No wonder you fell asleep or did you fall out of bed, and knock yourself unconcious from getting dizzy watching all those blue balls. I bet Dave J. liked looking it because he has his classes make things like that.
Wow! It looks like the whole page is made of the same pattern four times. But it looks like they inter-connect because the balls seem to move from one section to another. Who has time to come up with these things?
No wonder you fell asleep or did you fall out of bed, and knock yourself unconcious from getting dizzy watching all those blue balls. I bet Dave J. liked looking it because he has his classes make things like that.
Please note that there is music associated with this page. Make sure your speakers are turned down, especially if your wife is sleeping!!!!
How do I find what you watched?
Wow! It looks like the whole page is made of the same pattern four times. But it looks like they inter-connect because the balls seem to move from one section to another. Who has time to come up with these things?
Click on the words "this" in Jason's message.
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