Keith and I had an Oktoberfest party at our place last weekend. We had the keg-er-ator filled with Erdinger Dunkelweiss and about 25 friends come help us drink it. Unfortunately, the Lederhosen we bought for Keith on Ebay didn't arrive in time- so he was stuck wearing his T-shirt from last year's Oktoberfest!

My dirndl, however, did arrive- even though it was a little too big. And not low cut enough!! LOL!

This is our friend, Mike- in his German Police uniform - Keith is wearing the Police Hat. Mike is wearing the Birthday hat Keith received last year - a big goofy gag Oktoberfest hat. Aren't they cute!?!
Looks like a great time. Denise you look awesome. Looks like October is treating you both very well. Happy belated birthday Keith!
Looks like a grand time even though I wasn't there. LOL I am sorry I missed it.
You both look great, and happy belated birthday to you and Natalie.
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