As you can tell we finially got some rain and it put my new retaining wall that I built a couple of months ago to its first test.
Veronica and Nick and Mardi are standing on the bridge that I built 21 years ago. We live next to the school that Keith, Natalie, and Veronica went to. The old bridge had washed out the winter before. The new bridge is 18 inches higher than the old one. Back when it used to rain a lot water reached the bottom of the bridge but never went over. Isn't all this exciting?
By the way, due to the fact that I do not remember my pass word and I can't get on without it, I am signed in using Veronica's. Actually all I did was take the pictures and write this very insightful message. Veronica down loaded the pictures, signed on, and posted the pictures.
You may not know how to use a computer but you build a hell of a good retaining wall. Way to go Uncle Mike!!!
I think it is called age...but I wouldn't know. Great pictures!!
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