Just wanted to say Happy New Year!!!!! 2008 is going to be great, because we get to see everyone in July!!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
hinton/young/francis/wallace/ewing family pic!
We celebrated Christmas at our place (Keith & Denise) yesterday. I made everyone wear a santa hat or antlers for one photo. There were 17 of us stuffed into our very small house. Keith cooked a delicious turkey, Natalie- Mashed Potatoes to die for, Carol - yummiest Cherry Pie, Mardi and her famous fudge, Veronica and her yummy cheesey dip as well as peppermint bark, Debbie- delish sweet potatoes with rosemary, Sandy and her cranberry relish and I made an apple pie.

Joey, our dog loves pie and managed to finish the cherry pie this afternoon when no one was watching.
Baked goods before Joey discovered them.....
How can you stay mad at this?
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2008!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm done!
Tonight I had my last class.....FOREVER!!!! I have been in school, taking classes for 21 years straight and I am finally done going to a class and doing boring, pointless homework! One more semester to work on and finish my project and I will have my master's degree!! Anyway....I just wanted to share that with my family.....can ya tell I'm excited???
Monday, December 10, 2007
Every year in Portland, hundreds of people dress as Santa and go bar-hopping for 12 hours. I read about this a few years ago and have been looking forward to participating this year. It was so much fun! I lasted till about 11pm. Thank God for great public transportation that got me home safe. They estimated over 800 Santas took over downtown Portland on Saturday. Ho Ho Ho!
Monday, November 26, 2007
a WICKED weekend
- Okay, so I said that I would post pics from this last weekend, so here they are - - my friend Megan flew into Ohio from Reno and then we drove up to Chicago and went to see the musical WICKED at the Ford Oriental Theater. (for those of you who may not have heard about WICKED before - the play is based off of the book, which is the background story on the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz - the author has also written books about the ugly stepsisters and other characters; it's a really creative idea) It was SO much fun and the play was outstanding!!! I highly recommend it to everyone! The play changed a lot of stuff from the book, but it had a better ending and was still wonderful to watch! We stayed at the Palmer House Hilton, which was exquisite and gorgeous! The theater was beautiful as well and contained very detailed carvings all over the walls, but they would not let us take any pictures of the inside of it. We sat in the balcony section in the first row, so we had one of the better views. We also ate dinner at the Park Grill, which was right next to an ice skating rink : )
- In just one more week I will be flying back to Vegas for 3 weeks! My winter break is the only real break that I get during the entire year (since I have to take summer classes too), and my classes start again during the first week of January.
- Enjoy the slideshow : )
Friday, November 23, 2007

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
One down... many more to go
- Just thought I'd share with everyone that I finished my first quarter of grad school!! (at Ohio University) We had our last (and worst) final today, but now it's over! Our winter break is 7 weeks long! It's the only real break we get each year, so I'll be going down to Vegas in a couple of weeks - - - Only 7 more quarters until I get my Master's in speech-language pathology and then a few more years if I choose to do a PhD : )
- Here are a couple of pics of some friends of mine - one is of my friend Katie and me and the other is me with 2 of of the 3 students we have in our program from India.
- Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!! My friend from Reno is flying out and we're going to see Wicked in Chicago this weekend - I'll try to take pics and post some afterwards : )
Sunday, November 18, 2007
College Life Again!
This weekend Melissa and I drove up to Tallahasee with our good friends Sam and Alaina Elliott. We have known the Elliotts since we were all in school in Tallahassee where we were neighbors. This is the first time in 4 years that the 4 of us have been back to our Alma Mater together. We went up for a game (FSU/Maryland (FSU won 24-16 (Go Noles!!!))) and ended up trying to re-live the college lifestyle again. Interestingly enough, this time:
1) There was more Pepto Bismol and Mylanta
2) We naturally awoke at 7:30 am
3) We couldnt figure out why we were the only ones on the road at 10:30 (where is everybody??)
4) Bar's don't open till it's time for us to go to bed.
We have been having a lot of fun - here are a handful of pictures for you. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Good Eat'n
This is a strange thing to blog about but I just had the best pickle I have ever eaten. My friend recommended I pick up a jar of Bubbies pickles. She claimed they were the best in the world. I am now inclined to agree with her. I hope it's not just a west coast thing. Oh yeah and they sell Australian Toaster Biscuits out here too! Turns out, they only sell them on the west coast now. Just one more reason for the Floridians to come out and visit me.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Kopman deck
Hi, our deck is finally finished. the 3 center panels are wrought iron, lots of room for family gatherings! The temps are dipping down below freezing at night but the days are really nice.
We have a lot of Canadian Geese in our lake and of course the pesky beavers blocking our area where we are going to build our dock. I guess we are going to let the beavers stay till the spring and then it is bye-bye beavers.
Tom and our neighbor went fishing yesterday and caught some nice size bass. We will probably pull our boat out of the water next week for the winter.
Love you all!

Tom and our neighbor went fishing yesterday and caught some nice size bass. We will probably pull our boat out of the water next week for the winter.
Love you all!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Kim's Smoke is Visiting Us!
This is the smoke from California rolling into the Las Vegas valley tonight. They warned us. It's not clouds, we don't get clouds here, just blue sky most of the time. Just imagine what Kim has if this is what we're getting after traveling over the mountains. YIKES!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
On Fire
Hi Everyone,
Well, I'm sure you all know that we are literally on fire out here. I know several people who have come close to losing their homes but thankfully we are not even close to that situation. The only problem we have is all the ash in the pool and now that the winds have stopped its really difficult to breathe. Jacy's practices have been cancelled all week due to so much smoke.
Today was really bad due to smoke. The winds at least blew everything out to the ocean but fueled the fires so its a real catch 22.
I guess it doesn't matter where you live there are always elements to deal with.
Everyone take care,
Well, I'm sure you all know that we are literally on fire out here. I know several people who have come close to losing their homes but thankfully we are not even close to that situation. The only problem we have is all the ash in the pool and now that the winds have stopped its really difficult to breathe. Jacy's practices have been cancelled all week due to so much smoke.
Today was really bad due to smoke. The winds at least blew everything out to the ocean but fueled the fires so its a real catch 22.
I guess it doesn't matter where you live there are always elements to deal with.
Everyone take care,
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
OOOOEEEE did we have an exciting day yesterday. First we were had tornado watches around noon, then around 4 it became tornado warnings , then at 5 the sirens went off at the fire station and the weatherman on the TV said to head for the basement and our weather radio said the same thing. So, Tom, Gracie and me on crutches went down to our basement. We have everything we need in the basement so we settled in for what we thought was going to be our first tornado because it was headed right for us, but then it took a jog north and went above us, then picked up intensity and spread out and hit New Albany, IN and down into Louisville, KY. We had been at my orthopedic doctor in New Albany in the morning and it was just raining then. When we first moved here, I thought it was weird that the TV weathermen were so serious because in Las Vegas the were anything but serious. Here they tracked storms by city and time, like they say "the rain will be in Elizabeth at 7:31" or what ever and they are right and now I know why. Well anyway the sirens went off at 7 and we went back upstairs. It didn't look like any of the tornados went to Kelsey's area. I am going to call her this morning. I am glad that our house is all brick!
Monday, October 15, 2007

Good News!! I passed my National Environmental Health Exam! Whew - I was sweating that one. There were so many topics and a lot of the questions were so detailed. But, now at work, I can sign my name: Barbara Johannessohn REHS/RS. Ha - I have a title!! (That stands for Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian.) I got one package saying I passed and it had my certificate, another letter had my annual dues of $90. Ya never win! So, even the old can pass tests - I learned all that stuff 29 years ago.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
What we have been up to....
Hello everyone...so, I need to get better at checking our blog!! Nick and I have been pretty busy the last few weeks...but, it has all been a lot of fun and worth the lack of rest!! The top two pictures are from Barry Bonds' last home game as a Giant. I bought the tickets a while ago for Nick because the last home game was on his birthday and then the week before they announced that Barry wouldn't be coming back to the Giants next season....it was awesome being a part of a historical night (regardless of how anyone feels about him ; )...we like him!)
The second set of pictures are from last weekend....My best friend since the first day of Kindergarten got married last Saturday (she is the one in the white dress..haha). Our families are very close and it was a special day for everyone! The other picture kind of shows the awesome view from where the wedding was. Anyway, we finally get to relax the next couple of weekends and then we are getting ready for the big Halloween bash...I will post more pictures and check in more often!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize today for his efforts to educate people about global warming.1 It's not only a testament to his important work on the issue, but it's also a great example of the kind of leadership it is going to take to lead us out of this mess.
It's a good thing the Nobel Prize people didn't no about Gore's utility guzzling house.
It's a good thing the Nobel Prize people didn't no about Gore's utility guzzling house.
Breast Cancer Awareness
This is another great site where the net proceeds go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The site is www.shopwarriorsinpink.com
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Granny's 96th Birthday

Here is a picture with the grandkids, great grandkids and great great grandkids from Granny's 96th b.day party. It was a lot of fun to see everyone (even got to see Christine who I hadn't seen in over 20 years). I went by myself because Stephanie was sick, Rachel was taking her SATs, and Shane decided to stay home and Rick stayed home with Shane. I have to say, it was fun going by myself. The drive there was nice and so pretty. I am used to driving south to Marin County for work all week and it was nice to drive North (it was a lot prettier).
Eric (he is in the back row with the baseball hat) brought some of his horses for everyone to ride, however, I decided not to ride this year even though I love horses. I felt that since I drove myself up there, it might not be good if I were to say fall off the horse and not be able to get home.
As you can see, I am kneeling down in the green shirt (this was a time where I decided to wear my disguise because I didn't want to make the rest of the family feel bad).
Oktoberfest Healdsburg, CA

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
My Cure For Insomnia
Friday, October 5, 2007

Some of you may be wondering what Rick and I look like so I have put pictures of both of us so you all can see. You might be thinking that Rick

We are going to Granny's birthday party tomorrow and I am going to bring chocolate chip cookies because it is basically the only thing I can make.
I will write more later because I need to go to the store to buy chocolate chips. Talk to you all later.
My morning walks
Thursday, October 4, 2007
This is the life!

Number Change
Hello Everyone,
I changed my phone number today to a Portland area code. The new number is 503-799-6582. Please make a note of it beeeeeeeeep.
I changed my phone number today to a Portland area code. The new number is 503-799-6582. Please make a note of it beeeeeeeeep.
Breast Cancer Awareness
This month is Breast Cancer Awareness and on Good Morning America's web is this link that is great and everyone, male and female, should read it. Having gone through breast cancer I wish I had had this information. Please go to this site and read it. I did not find my lump, it was when I went in for my annual mammogram--so important!! If you get a chance watch Good Morning American this morning.http://abcnews.go.com/Health/OnCallPlus/
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I just watched the finial episode of, "The War." It was an absolutely incredible series. I have never seen one so well done, and viewed from such a multitude of views. Yet, all that I have read about the war and seeing all the images of it--I still can not fully appreciate or fully grasp what they went though. Imagine--somebody that you don't' no or no anything about, and that person really and truly wants to kill you. And you really and truly want to kill him. And all you both want, really and truly, is to be home. Home--with your wife and two point four kids in your three bedroom, two bath house, surrounded by a white picket fence.
It's just too bad somebody hadn't pointed out to our Hitler idiot, the sheer horror and insanity of war before he started his.
It's just too bad somebody hadn't pointed out to our Hitler idiot, the sheer horror and insanity of war before he started his.
heyy everyone
hey everyone! its Shannon!! i just wanted to say hi. And i made an aclompishment! i figured out how to do this little thingy! tehee. well i hope i see all of you soon!
The gap between the President's priorities and your priorities has never been more clear. The President just decided that 3 million poor children shouldn't receive healthcare. It's crazy. At the same time he's asking Congress for $200 billion more to continue his war in Iraq, he's vetoing a healthcare program for needy kids here at home that costs just a small fraction of that.
We have been watching The War too, and it is so good. We bought a new DVD/recorder and I have been recording it. They should show it in the schools!
For you Floridians, I just saw on the new that because Lake Okochobee (probably spelled wrong) is so low that archeologists are finding artifacts that are hundreds of years old-very interesting.
Jason, I click on test color and pick red, is that what you are talking about?
For you Floridians, I just saw on the new that because Lake Okochobee (probably spelled wrong) is so low that archeologists are finding artifacts that are hundreds of years old-very interesting.
Jason, I click on test color and pick red, is that what you are talking about?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
What's up???
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to tell everyone that Sunday Jacy and I took the train to San Diego for her first professional football game. It was the Chargers against my favorite team the Chiefs. Chiefs won which made it all the sweeter. The train ride is two hours one way with a trolley connection that took us straight to the stadium. We met some people on the trolley and they invited us into the club section of the stadium and they were the best seats ever. They also bought Jacy and I lunch. They were very nice. We had a great day and hope to do it again soon.
Jacy also had a double header on Saturday and played two awesome games. She has really stepped up her game and is playing better than ever.
Talk to you all soon. Have a great day!!!
Just wanted to tell everyone that Sunday Jacy and I took the train to San Diego for her first professional football game. It was the Chargers against my favorite team the Chiefs. Chiefs won which made it all the sweeter. The train ride is two hours one way with a trolley connection that took us straight to the stadium. We met some people on the trolley and they invited us into the club section of the stadium and they were the best seats ever. They also bought Jacy and I lunch. They were very nice. We had a great day and hope to do it again soon.
Jacy also had a double header on Saturday and played two awesome games. She has really stepped up her game and is playing better than ever.
Talk to you all soon. Have a great day!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
television season
OK I am curious as to what everyone is watching this year. Our favoites are Boston Legal (love that show), Two and Half Men, Las Vegas, Numbers and Shark. We watched Sexy Dirty Money and Looks like it will be pretty good. Of course we love our Nascar, NHRA and FOOTBALL--yea COLTS. I recorded Cane but we haven't watched it yet.
We are headed for Cleveland today for my 6 month checkup on my eye. I am always nervous before seeing the dr. It is a 5 hour drive but we are going to stop in Indianaplis to have lunch with some friends, do some shopping and then head for Cleveland. My appointment is early tomorrow morning.
Love you all!!
Three moles break into a cabin in the woods, one mole sniffes the air and says "I smell honey" the second mole sniffes the air and says "no it smells more like brown sugar", the third mole says"you are both wrong, it smells like MOLEASSES". Sorry, couldn't resist.
We are headed for Cleveland today for my 6 month checkup on my eye. I am always nervous before seeing the dr. It is a 5 hour drive but we are going to stop in Indianaplis to have lunch with some friends, do some shopping and then head for Cleveland. My appointment is early tomorrow morning.
Love you all!!
Three moles break into a cabin in the woods, one mole sniffes the air and says "I smell honey" the second mole sniffes the air and says "no it smells more like brown sugar", the third mole says"you are both wrong, it smells like MOLEASSES". Sorry, couldn't resist.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Edwards is the only candidate in this race who has never taken a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interests. He's not going to ask the drug companies, insurance companies and their Washington lobbyists to bankroll his campaign—he's depending on the support of tens of thousands of people like you.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Good morning, Yes Kelsey it is wierd to be where there is only one zip code and one area code, although it was like that when we lived in Willits. Yes Barb we know where the Christmas tree is going and we are so excited that you and family and Tom and family are going to be here and anyone else that can make it. The adjustment was easy and not easy. I had several melt downs wondering what had we done but now being in our dream retirement home and having met some wonderful friends it is OK and now that I can fly we plan to fly out west and of course drive to Florida.
I noticed that some of you have little postage stamps pictures by your messages, how do you do that?
I noticed that some of you have little postage stamps pictures by your messages, how do you do that?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Perils of Being a Tech
Right now, I'm sitting in the Portland Hilton Grand Ballroom running audio for a charity dinner prepared by all these famous chefs from around the northwest. I am surrounded by this great looking food and I can't eat any of it. I'm slowly going mad!
It's nice to see everybody pick up on the blog thing. I'm still working on a doctored family picture but I need a lot more, so please send me photos.
Have a good weekend everyone!
It's nice to see everybody pick up on the blog thing. I'm still working on a doctored family picture but I need a lot more, so please send me photos.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Okay....so I finally got signed in...I will post some new pictures soon....Nick and I are also going to see Dave Matthews Bandon Saturday...that was his birthday present from me, I am so excited!!! I will talk to everyone soon!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
New mailing address
Our new mailing address is: P.O. Box 114, Elizabeth, IN 47117
Hey, has anybody seen Brother Mike????
Hey, has anybody seen Brother Mike????
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Our new home.

One of my favorite times of the year
Hey Fam!
I am very excited about this blog idea. Great work Jason! I am scraping for something to post about so I'll just tell you that Melissa and I just got back from our annual Dave Matthews Band mini tour. Melissa and I are big fans of the band and we always attend the Florida shows when they come every summer. This year we saw them on a Wednesday in Tampa (took the rest of the week off), drove down to West palm Beach (on the east coast) and saw the band on Friday night and Saturday night. Our best Friends Sam and Alaina were with us the entire time. What a great time!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hello All,
This is very cool. I like the way it looks. Once I get the hang of it we will send in some pictures of the girls and I.
All is good here in Southern California. Jacy is in 10th grade and Chelsie has started her second year in college. Chelsie is also working at Medieval Times taking reservations. Chelsie is the Stage Manager at Cypress College and loves it. I have gone to a play and she does a fantastic job.
Jacy is working on getting her license which if all goes well she will have it by mid October. She is playing softball this winter so every Saturday is double headers which is a lot of fun. She is playing catcher which I love to watch her do.
Plan to see the Nor Cal crew in October for Granny's birthday. Chelsie, Jacy and I will be coming up.
Well, that's it for now. Take care and I will blog again soon!
All is good here in Southern California. Jacy is in 10th grade and Chelsie has started her second year in college. Chelsie is also working at Medieval Times taking reservations. Chelsie is the Stage Manager at Cypress College and loves it. I have gone to a play and she does a fantastic job.
Jacy is working on getting her license which if all goes well she will have it by mid October. She is playing softball this winter so every Saturday is double headers which is a lot of fun. She is playing catcher which I love to watch her do.
Plan to see the Nor Cal crew in October for Granny's birthday. Chelsie, Jacy and I will be coming up.
Well, that's it for now. Take care and I will blog again soon!
Hello to all
What a great site!! How fun to share all our thoughts and experiences. Jason, please keep us updated. Mike and I just returned from a great weekend at Tahoe. Met friends there and golfed, ate, drank (something new for us) and gambled. We did our usual "time share" presentation and had a great time; 3 nights in a gorgeous 1 bedroom condo for $149. The weather was alot like Barbara was describing but turned out to be a wonderful weekend.
Love to all,
Love to all,
Sunday, September 23, 2007
First Day of Fall
Happy First Day of Autumn! We have great weather here today - but yesterday, the last day of summer, it snowed up on Mt. Charleston! Erik is up there at a camp with a bunch of elementary kids from church and he said it hailed, lightened, and washed away the walkway to their cabin on Friday night. Also, we had gobs of rain in the valley here and tornado warnings on Friday night, go figure. But, today, it's all calm and blue skies, a wonderful day. We finally have all the windows open and are enjoying 62 degree weather. AHHH... Triple digit temperatures are gone, we hope!
Love to you all
Love to you all
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Great idea! Thanks Barbara, for sending the email letting us know about this. So, a post from my blog over on Wordpress - sharing a recipe!
Okay, so every once in a while it hits. Domesticity. I do not cook. My dear husband, Keith, has the cooking skills. I can bake, make candies, decorate and clean like there's no tomorrow (when i absolutely have to, anyway). But cooking? Geez... I don't know what happens but the lame gene comes out and most of my stuff is seriously bland or over spiced, underdone or hockey-puck. No happy medium. Thank god my husband has the talent. He's been hunting this weekend with his friend Jesse and coming home tonight around 9pm. While he was away, it hit! The domesticity urge. Coulda stamped today... but no. I cleaned the house. I played with my Photoshop Elements (like my new banner?). I watched Hot Fuzz on pay per view (funny!). AND... I am making dinner right now. I am hoping that since I followed the darn recipe my friend Linda recommended, it'll turn out. Bolognese sauce is my favorite red pasta sauce. If this works, I'll be so happy.
[AND NOW.... i'll put on my wine snob hat: The wine i'm drinking with this, as well as tossed in the sauce, is Kenwood 2004 Zinfandel, a California wine from Sonoma County. I bought 2 bottles as it was on sale for $9.99 and if you think you can't get a good bottle of vino w/out breaking the bank- you are sadly mistaken! This particular wine is one of those awesome bargain finds and I'm lucky to find a bottle or 2 at the store... since it's usually sold out! It's not too heavy, and has a delightful bouquet, smooth finish and dances on the tongue. Impressed with all that wonderful wine terminology? I looked it up... lol. Simpler terms? ME LIKEY VERY MUCHY! YUM. GIMME MORE!]
For those of you who, like me, can't cook and are always looking for a recipe that you could actually fool everyone with... here ya go. It's a Rachel Ray recipe so it's quick and easy. And my friend Linda recommends spicing it up a little by using Fire Roasted Crushed tomatoes in the can if you can find it. SHE can cook (sadly, she is CONSTANTLY bringing in her dishes as work, force feeding us into porky-dom), so I'd listen to her if I were you.
Oh ya... Bon Appetit!
Manny's Manly Meat SauceRecipe courtesy Rachael Ray
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil,
1 turn around the pan in a slowstream
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 pound ground sirloin (90 percent lean ground beef)
1 small onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed under the flat of your knife with the heal of your hand
1 /2 teaspoon allspice, a sprinkle or 2 pinches (secret ingredient- very important!)
Coarse salt and black pepper
1 medium portobello mushroom cap, finely chopped
1 /2 cup (a couple of glugs) red wine
3 /4 cup beef broth or stock
1 (28 to 32 ounce) can crushed tomatoes, (fire roasted if you can find them)
A handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 pound rigatoni, cooked to al dente
Parmesan or Romano, grated, for garnish
Heat a deep skillet or heavy-bottomed pot over medium high heat. Go once around the pan with a slow stream of extra virgin olive oil. Add crushed pepper flakes and infuse oil 10 seconds. Add beef, onions, garlic, and seasonings. Brown meat for 5 minutes; add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes more. Add wine and reduce 1 minute. Add broth and tomatoes to sauce and reduce heat to low. Simmer 5 to 10 minutes to combine flavors. Toss pasta with half of the sauce and serve with extra sauce for topping. Pass grated Parmesan or Romano and warm crusty bread at the table.
Random Recipe- Manny's Manly Meat Sauce, by Rachel Ray
Okay, so every once in a while it hits. Domesticity. I do not cook. My dear husband, Keith, has the cooking skills. I can bake, make candies, decorate and clean like there's no tomorrow (when i absolutely have to, anyway). But cooking? Geez... I don't know what happens but the lame gene comes out and most of my stuff is seriously bland or over spiced, underdone or hockey-puck. No happy medium. Thank god my husband has the talent. He's been hunting this weekend with his friend Jesse and coming home tonight around 9pm. While he was away, it hit! The domesticity urge. Coulda stamped today... but no. I cleaned the house. I played with my Photoshop Elements (like my new banner?). I watched Hot Fuzz on pay per view (funny!). AND... I am making dinner right now. I am hoping that since I followed the darn recipe my friend Linda recommended, it'll turn out. Bolognese sauce is my favorite red pasta sauce. If this works, I'll be so happy.
[AND NOW.... i'll put on my wine snob hat: The wine i'm drinking with this, as well as tossed in the sauce, is Kenwood 2004 Zinfandel, a California wine from Sonoma County. I bought 2 bottles as it was on sale for $9.99 and if you think you can't get a good bottle of vino w/out breaking the bank- you are sadly mistaken! This particular wine is one of those awesome bargain finds and I'm lucky to find a bottle or 2 at the store... since it's usually sold out! It's not too heavy, and has a delightful bouquet, smooth finish and dances on the tongue. Impressed with all that wonderful wine terminology? I looked it up... lol. Simpler terms? ME LIKEY VERY MUCHY! YUM. GIMME MORE!]
For those of you who, like me, can't cook and are always looking for a recipe that you could actually fool everyone with... here ya go. It's a Rachel Ray recipe so it's quick and easy. And my friend Linda recommends spicing it up a little by using Fire Roasted Crushed tomatoes in the can if you can find it. SHE can cook (sadly, she is CONSTANTLY bringing in her dishes as work, force feeding us into porky-dom), so I'd listen to her if I were you.
Oh ya... Bon Appetit!
Manny's Manly Meat SauceRecipe courtesy Rachael Ray
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil,
1 turn around the pan in a slowstream
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 pound ground sirloin (90 percent lean ground beef)
1 small onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed under the flat of your knife with the heal of your hand
1 /2 teaspoon allspice, a sprinkle or 2 pinches (secret ingredient- very important!)
Coarse salt and black pepper
1 medium portobello mushroom cap, finely chopped
1 /2 cup (a couple of glugs) red wine
3 /4 cup beef broth or stock
1 (28 to 32 ounce) can crushed tomatoes, (fire roasted if you can find them)
A handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 pound rigatoni, cooked to al dente
Parmesan or Romano, grated, for garnish
Heat a deep skillet or heavy-bottomed pot over medium high heat. Go once around the pan with a slow stream of extra virgin olive oil. Add crushed pepper flakes and infuse oil 10 seconds. Add beef, onions, garlic, and seasonings. Brown meat for 5 minutes; add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes more. Add wine and reduce 1 minute. Add broth and tomatoes to sauce and reduce heat to low. Simmer 5 to 10 minutes to combine flavors. Toss pasta with half of the sauce and serve with extra sauce for topping. Pass grated Parmesan or Romano and warm crusty bread at the table.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hey, so I am taking a neuroscience class as one of my grad school classes right now - We basically have to memorize and be able to label/identify all the parts of the brain and spinal cord - - Our professor has his M.D. in neurology and then he got his Ph.D. and now he is part of our hearing, speech, and language sciences department at Ohio University - anyways, so he has connections being an M.D., so we get to go to the med school twice a week to work with brains in order to apply what we have learned (which is seriously awesome and fun - we're one of only 2 or 3 speech pathology departments to still work with actual human parts in the whole nation!)
So today in class I took pics of them to help my friends and I to study for our upcoming midterm - I posted them to my flickr so I could share them with everyone:
**Disclaimer - i would consider these "graphic" images, so you might not want to be eating while you view them :) enjoy!
So today in class I took pics of them to help my friends and I to study for our upcoming midterm - I posted them to my flickr so I could share them with everyone:
**Disclaimer - i would consider these "graphic" images, so you might not want to be eating while you view them :) enjoy!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Attempted Murder
Last night around 11:30, as I was waiting for the train home, 2 men started fighting right next to me. They were really going at it when all of the sudden 1 man took the other man's cane, broke it in half over his knee and STABBED THE OTHER GUY IN THE FACE WITH HIS OWN CANE! There was blood everywhere, the victim screamed and ran away. I called the police and within minutes 8 police cars were on the scene. They caught the attacker and unfortunately he got a good look at me as I was being interviewed by the police. I had a lot of nightmares last night. And I think I'm going to go a different route to and from work for a few weeks. Wow. What a crazy world we live in sometimes.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Burying dead cows!
Does anyone know how far away from a shore line you can bury a dead cow in an emergency? This is one of our study questions, for real!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On Board!
Okay...I'm on board.
I'll check my photos and see what I have...I think you're right Jason...There may be no photos of everybody together...
Maybe we'll get one next year?
I think this blog is going to be a good idea!
I'll check my photos and see what I have...I think you're right Jason...There may be no photos of everybody together...
Maybe we'll get one next year?
I think this blog is going to be a good idea!
So this is the family blog. It's still a work in process but I should have everything ready in the next week or so. If anyone has any good family photos please email them to me. I can also try and photoshop a complete family photo since I don't think one exists. Let me know if you have any coments or suggestions. Have a good day.
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